Diablo II
Diablo II was one of the most popular games of 2000.[1] Major factors that contributed to Diablo II's success include what fans found to be addictive hack and slash gameplay and free access to Battle.net. Diablo II may be played as a single player game, multi-player via a LAN, or multi-player via Battle.net.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_2
RuneScape takes place in the world of Gielinor, a medieval fantasy realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities.[3][4] Players can travel throughout Gielinor on foot, by using magical teleportation spells and devices, and many other methods such as charter ships.[5] Each region offers different types of monsters, resources, and quests to challenge players. The game's fictional universe has also been explored through a tie-in video game, Armies of Gielinor,[6] and a novel, Betrayal at Falador.[7]
Players are represented in the game as customizable avatars. RuneScape does not follow a linear storyline; players set their own goals and objectives. Players can fight NPC monsters, complete quests, or increase their experience in any of the available skills.[8] Players interact with each other through trading, chatting, or by participating in both combative and cooperative minigames and activities.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuneScape
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Source is a remake of Counter-Strike, and consequently retains its team-based objective-oriented first-person shooter style gameplay. The aim of playing a map is to accomplish a map's objective. There are many types of objectives that a map can have, but the ultimate goal of the game is to win more rounds than the opposing team, which is accomplished by fulfilling the map's winning conditions. Some winning conditions include defusing a bomb, planting a bomb and preventing it from being defused by the other team, rescuing all the hostages on a map, preventing the hostages from being rescued, and defeat all the members of the opposing team. When playing on a server without modifications, if players are defeated during a round, they do not respawn until the next round, unlike in many other first-person shooter games, where players respawn on a set timer.
Moving and shooting also differs noticeably from many other first-person shooters. Shooting while moving dramatically decreases accuracy, and holding the mouse button down to continuously shoot will generally produce severe recoil. Recoil can be difficult for beginning players to compensate for because the player's reticle does not correspond with where the bullets actually hit during continuous fire, so beginning players may aim too high during automatic fire. The amount of damage done by a bullet varies dramatically depending upon the body part the bullet hits, with great emphasis on shooting the enemy in the head, which is almost invariably lethal.
Aspects of the game that have changed from Counter-Strike include the behavior of the grenades, the physics engine, and the weapons' recoil. The smoke grenades in Counter-Strike: Source spread much more slowly than the ones in Counter-Strike, and the flashbangs, which now utilize DirectX 9 effects, have a much more pronounced effect, and bounce very differently from the ones in Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike: Source also implements physics objects, such as filing cabinets, which the user can interact with while playing. The recoil in Counter-Strike: Source differs from the recoil in Counter-Strike in that while Counter-Strike had perfectly consistent recoil, the recoil in Counter-Strike: Source is much less precise.
Another difference between Counter-Strike: Source and previous Counter-Strike games is the addition of ragdoll physics.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter_strike_source
How to Earn Lots of Gold in World of Warcraft
The currency exchange works in WOW(world of warcraft), with three sets of coins, copper coins, and with a hundred copper coins it will equal one silver coin, with a hundred silver coins it will equal one gold coin. Now world of warcraft gold is what everybody needs to thrive, there is hardly any advancement without working your characters toon butt off on a WoW gold farming rampage, almost sounds like real life.
The difference from earning money in the real world and earning a living in world of warcraft is that in WOW you can bash someone’s head in and steal his money you won’t be put on charges, and in the game you chose whatever field you chose to go into. Yes in the game of world of warcraft you can pick and chose what job you’d like your avatar to specialize in and that is where a lot of the big cash comes in.
There are ten primary professions you can have alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting, engineering, herbalism, mining, leatherworking, skinning, and tailoring. Now some of these professions go together with others such as mining and blacksmithing, you’ll need the metal the mining gives you to blacksmith with into weapons and armor.
There are three secondary professions which are first aid, cooking and fishing. You can learn all three of the secondary professions but only two of the primaries so chose wisely. You will gain lots of coin selling your special talents you pick, to others, not venders mind you, there are general prices that venders buy items off of you for, and the price the venders buy the items from you for is much lower then what you can get for them if you sell the items on your own to other players.
The more you use your profession the better you will become at it and the more specialized you will become to it. You can get so high that people will seek certain items only you and those of your level will be able to create for them, at this point you can name your price. Alternatively if you want to skip the whole having a profession thing then in my opinion you’re only other shot is questing. Taking adventure after adventure selling the spoils and keeping all the loot you find off of everyone you beat, the old fashion way. While the later might sound like a better road to travel since having a profession is just like real life, consider that fact that without that profession you might just end up a poor troll or sad Paladin in the world of WoW.
Professions and trade skills are not the only professions that can earn you cash, gold and money. You can easily farm large groups of mobs using area of effect spells or even kill high end bosses and mobs to acquire items of higher value. Using heavy tanks are often the key to killing strong single mobs while using a caster with an area of effect ability are able to kill lower level mobs but at larger quantities.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/computer-games-articles/how-to-earn-lots-of-gold-in-world-of-warcraft-533196.html
About the Author:
Tila Miles loves playing World of Warcraft. She spent majority of her time pveing and grinding gold. She has such an abundance and is now able to sell Cheap World of Warcraft gold in her store. She also has written a free guide on her secrets of farming WoW gold.
World Of Warcraft Gold Farming Tips
Even more so, you notice that on other servers the same items are fetching huge amounts at the auction house.
Well, World of Warcraft fans, the economy of the game is very much like a real world free market economy. Supply and demand is a very important lesson with regards to World of Warcraft...especially for you gold farmers out there!
So, what does this mean exactly? Well on some of the older servers, you have a whole legion of seasoned players who can go anywhere and harvest just about any thing in the game pretty easily. This means that if you are a young, new entrepreneur to the game, you are going to want to do one of two things. You might want to consider a newer server where many of the player characters are young (low level). Or, you might want to concentrate on some of the lesser harvested items that people do need regularly. (Supply vs Demand)
The second option might not yield as much silver/gold in each sitting, but over time you can amass great wealth by being consistent with it. Plus, you build a reputation of being the go to person when someone needs something.
Let's review supply and demand of game gold such as wow gold,world of warcraft gold,buy wow gold,cheap wow gold,buy world of warcraft gold a little more. When you are at the auction house, take a look at what items are being sold. Look at how many listings, pricing etc. This is your research component. High supply with low demand is going to equal poor results for you the seller. Obviously you want to look for high demand with low supply ie tough to get items.
In World of Warcraft, tough to get items doesn't always mean hard to find...they could be items that people just hate to have to grind out. The dirty jobs if you will. Trust me, in the real world, there are plenty of dirty jobs out there that no one wants, but someone does and gets paid for well!
Here is an idea that is used well in real world free market economies...control the market. Where have we seen this? Dell Computers, Microsoft, AT&T are all examples of conglomerates that have or had control of their markets and therefore could command or dictate a price.
This same idea can be used in World of Warcraft by finding ways to be the sole seller of an item. If you are looking to sell an item that is currently being sold for far less than it should be at an auction house, this might be an opportunity for you. If you can purchase all of those items and then re-list them at a higher price, you might be able to drive the market for some time.
The World of Warcraft Economy is very much like a real world free market economy. Try to use things you have seen or observed in the real world and apply them to the game, who knows you may be able to get rich!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/international-business-articles/world-of-warcraft-gold-farming-tips-788709.html
About the Author:
Steven ZHAO is a MBA and CTO of BPWork.com Info-Tech Co., Ltd,- A professional offshore outsourcing services provider company in China & Australia specializing in Data entry and processing, Software development, Software testing, Database support, Website design, Software localization, Multimedia localization and BPO.%d%ahttp://www.bpwork.com%d%a%d%a
Warcraft Version Switcher Patch 1.23 - 1.24
1. Download Warcraft version switcher here.
2. Extract WarcraftSwitcher.rar.
4. Now open Wvs.exe
5. Click the Options Button.
6. Enter the exact path of warcraft ||| at the options window.
7. Close the option window and click switch version
8. double dlick the Warcraft 1.24 version.
Cafe World hack 11-13-2009
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Cafe World has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my restaurant.
Here are some Cafe World cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Cafe World has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some Cafe World cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Pet Society hacks without generator
Pet Society hacks - Level Hack cheats (No Need for Generator)
Firefox 3.5.4
Cheat Engine 5.5
Flash player
1. Login to your Pet Society.
2. Get the ball from your chess, and play it 3 times.
3. Open Cheat Engine.
4. Scan Your Browser.
5. Check the Hex Box, Choose 8 Bytes and Check Also Scan Read-only Memory
6. Put 544F8BD18B01C083 on HEX
7. Click First Scan.
8. Right click on the second code.
9. Choose Disassemble This Memory.
10. Right click on its first result.
11. Select Change Register then Click Yes.
12. Check the EAX Box and put 01000000.
13. then back to your Pet Society and play the ball.
Restaurant City earn 20k experience points per dish
Earn 20k experience points per dish in Restaurant City. Just follow the simple steps.
Restaurant City glitch stove
Restaurant City has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my restaurant.
Here are some Restaurant City cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Farmville speed hack
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Farmville has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my farm.
Here are some Farmville cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Farmville Auto Harvest
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Farmville has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my farm.
Here are some Farmville cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
You can automatic Harvest for farmville.
You need to download the tool in easygametools.com.
Farmville Money and EXP
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Farmville has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some Farmville cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Pet Society Cash items cheat
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Pet Society has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some pet society cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Pet Society, Blue Coin Hack
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Pet Society has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some pet society cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Pet Society, Brush coins
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Pet Society has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some pet society cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Restaurant City Fast Level
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Restaurant City has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my restaurant.
Here are some Restaurant City cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
1.Login to your account
2.Open Cheat Engine 5.5
3.Click The process icon and select Firefox at the bottom.
4.Check Hex, also scan read-only memory and 8 bytes.
5.Copy and paste the code into the value bar.
6.Click first scan, you should end up with 1 address, right click that address and click disassemble.
7.Right click the highlighted address and click "change register at this location"
8.Click OK and check EAX and type in any number from 100-100000
Restaurant City Tutorial
Here are some Restaurant City Level Up trick that I found that I'd like to share with you...
How to HACK in Restaurant City Tutorial(6 in 1 ) dont use any of the other stuff like fast cooking only use the stamina its all what ur going to...
Cafe World Unlimited Chairs and Table
Mozilla FireFox 3 (not 3.5)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Cafe World has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my restaurant.
Here are some Cafe World cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Cafe World has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my pet.
Here are some Cafe World cheats that I learned that I'd like to share with you...
Farmville fast harvest, fast money, fast EXP
Here are some Farmville Fast Level Up trick that I found that I'd like to share with you...
Reach level 500 in Mafia Wars
Mafia Wars has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to pimping up my mob family.
Here are some Mafia Wars Fast Level Up trick that I found that I'd like to share with you...
pour all skill points into energy
pack energy wisely (at least 2 - 3 levels a day)
Cafe World unlimited money and 105.0
Cafe World has been a long known Facebook Application. It took me a while figuring out how to upgrade my restaurant.
Here are some Cafe World cheats that I found that I'd like to share with you...