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Pet Society hacks without generator

Pet Society hacks - Level Hack cheats (No Need for Generator)


Firefox 3.5.4
Cheat Engine 5.5
Flash player

1. Login to your Pet Society.
2. Get the ball from your chess, and play it 3 times.
3. Open Cheat Engine.
4. Scan Your Browser.
5. Check the Hex Box, Choose 8 Bytes and Check Also Scan Read-only Memory
6. Put 544F8BD18B01C083 on HEX
7. Click First Scan.
8. Right click on the second code.
9. Choose Disassemble This Memory.
10. Right click on its first result.
11. Select Change Register then Click Yes.
12. Check the EAX Box and put 01000000.
13. then back to your Pet Society and play the ball.

1 comment:

  1. ty po hhahahaha d2 lng yung gumanang cheat astig ty hoooooo astig tae
